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Publish / Subscribe

Hub.js is an implementation of the publish-subscribe pattern.

A subscription is made like this:

hub.on('event', function () {
  console.log('oh, hi!');

All listeners registered for 'event' can be invoked using emit:


Anything following the event name is used as arguments:

hub.on('log', function (message) {
hub.emit('log', 'oh, hi!');

Wildcard subscriptions

When subscribing to an event, the event name may contain glob style wildcards.

The following example matches the events ajax.get and

hub.on('ajax.*', function () { /* ... */ });

However, ajax.* does not match ajax.get.extended. The dot acts as a separator between event name parts. To match multiple event name parts, use a double wildcard, e.g. ajax.**.

Wildcard emit

When emitting an event, the event name may contain glob style wildcards. Any filter and listener matching the given event will be invoked. This also applies to whildcard subscriptions.


Call order

Hub.js guarantees a predictable call order. The order is as follows:

  1. Wildcard filters
  2. Filters
  3. Wildcard listeners
  4. Listeners

Filters and Listeners are called in registration order. The call order of "wildcard subscriptions" depends on where the wildcards are used: More generic listeners are called before more specific ones. E.g. if a.b.c is emitted, a listener on a.** is invoked before a listener on a.b.*.

Return values

Listeners may return a value to the publisher either by using the return keyword, or by using a callback.

hub.on('answer', function () {
  return 42;

To use a callback, simply declare one:

hub.on('answer', function (callback) {
  callback(null, 42); // Node style callbacks (err, value)

Both of the above examples will work with this publisher:

hub.emit('answer', function (err, value) {
  assert.equal(value, 42);

This makes it possible to change listener implementations from synchronous to asynchronous without changing the publishers.

By default, the return value of the last invoked listener is returned. To obtain an array with all return values, invoke emit like this:

hub.emit({ event : 'answer', allResults : true }, function (err, values) {
  assert.equal(values[0], 42);


Filters are special functions that get invoked before the listeners. A filter may delay or prevent listener execution, modify arguments and return values, and add / remove listeners. If an event triggers multiple filters, they form a queue.

A filter function is invoked with two arguments:

A pass-through filter can be implemented like this:

hub.addFilter('event', function (next) {
  // ...

Performing custom operations after an event was processed:

hub.addFilter('event', function (next, callback) {
  next(function (err, values) {
    // ...
    callback(err, values);

to pervent any further filters from being applied and to skip listener execution, invoke the callback directly:

hub.addFilter('event', function (next, callback) {
  callback(null, [42]);

Note that the callback values MUST always be an array.

This in filter and listener

Filters and listeners are invoked with the same scope object with these properties:

Error handling

There are two ways to indicate an error condition:

  1. An exception is thrown in a listener
  2. A callback is invoked with a value as the first argument

Both cases are handled in the same way and in this order:

Error handling with a callback:

hub.emit('something.throws', function (err) {
  if (err) {
    console.log('Something went wrong: ' + err);
  // ...

The error event is a "catch all" handler that will cause the hub instance to never throw:

hub.on('error', function (err) {
  console.log('Something went wrong: ' + err);

In case we do not pass a callback to emit and we don't have the above error handler installed, the error will be thrown by emit:

try {
} catch (err) {
  console.log('Something went wrong: ' + err);

Caveat: If the error happens asynchronously, emit will not throw. The error will be throw globally with no way of handling it properly.

Events emitted by hub.js

Each hub instance emits these event on event handler registration / deregistraion.

NOTE: Unless events emitted using emit, these events are not passed to wildcard subscribers. That is, if a filter or a listener was added with an event name that contains a wildcard, the filter or listener will not be invoked.


Calling addListener, on or once triggers a newListener event passing the event name and the listener function as arguments. If a filter on this event does not invoke next, the listener will not be registered.


Calling removeListener triggers a removeListener event passing the event name and the listener function as arguments. If a filter on this event does not invoke next, the listener will not be removed.


Calling addFilter or filterOnce triggers a newFilter event passing the event name and the filter function as arguments. If a filter on this event does not invoke next, the filter will not be registered.


Calling removeFilter triggers a removeFilter event passing the event name and the filter function as arguments. If a filter on this event does not invoke next, the filter will not be removed.

API reference


The hub module exports a factory function which returns a hub instance.

var hub = hubjs();

hub.addListener(event, function)

Registers a listener for an event. The event may contain glob style wildcards ("*" and "**") to subscribe for all matching event. If the listener function expects more arguments than are passed to emit, the last argument will be a callback function. The listener is expected to invoke the callback once completed with an error object or null and an optional return value.

hub.on(event, function)

Is an alias for hub.addListener.

hub.addFilter(event, function)

Registers a filter for an event. The event may contain glob style wildcards ("*" and "**") to subscribe for all matching event. The filter must take a next function as it's first argument which has to be invoked in order to execute the next filter or to execute the listeners. This way, filters registered for the same event name form a chain. A second argument (callback) can be optionally provided to intercept the completion of an event. A custom callback may be passed to next.

hub.removeListener(event, function)

Unregisters a single listener for an event.

hub.removeFilter(event, function)

Unregisters a single filter for an event.


Unregisters all listeners.


Unregisters all listeners for the given event.


Unregisters all filters.


Unregisters all filters for the given event.


Unregisters all listeners that match the given event name. This removes all listeners that would be invoked if the given event would be emitted.


Unregisters all filters that match the given event name. This removes all listeners that would be invoked if the given event would be emitted.

hub.once(event, function)

Registers a listener for an event that will be automatically unregistered on the first invocation.

hub.filterOnce(event, function)

Registers a filter for an event that will be automatically unregistered on the first invocation.

hub.emit(event[, arg1, arg2, ...][, callback])

Invokes all listeners for an event. The optional arguments are passed to each listener. The event may contain glob style wildcards ("*" and "**") to invoke all listeners registered for matching events. The optional callback will be invoked once all listeners returned. The first argument is an error if at least one of the listeners threw, the second argument is the return value.

The given event can alternatively be an object containing at least an event property. Optional properties can be:


hub.emit({ event : 'some.event', allResults : true }, function (err, values) {
  // ...


Returns an array of all listeners for the given event. This does not include matchers (see hub.listenersMatching(event)).


Returns an array of all filters for the given event. This does not include matchers (see hub.filtersMatching(event)).


Returns an array of all listeners that match the given event. This returns all listeners that would be invoked if the given event would be emitted.


Returns an array of all filters that match the given event. This returns all filters that would be invoked if the given event would be emitted.


Only available in listeners and not in filters.

Returns a callback that has to be invoked for the operation to complete. Listeners may obtain mutliple callbacks. The listener invokation phase will only return once all callbacks where invoked.

The optional timeout specifies the time in milliseconds after which the callback will time out, resulting in a TimeoutError.